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British Columbia

Our BC Forest Conservation Project aims to increase carbon capture by protecting areas of existing mature mountain temperate coniferous forests from threats of timber logging operations and real estate and road development, as well as implementing practices that balance the overall health of the ecosystem and protect from fire.  


Located within the traditional territory of the Ktunaxa First Nation privately owned lands, the project area covers 135,394 acres of Mountain Interior forest in south-eastern British Columbia, just north of the Idaho/Washington state borders and along the shores of Kootney Lake. 


In addition to carbon capture and storage, the project provides important forest habitat for at least 19 species at risk, including an endangered herd of mountain caribou, an isolated population of ‘red listed’ grizzly, wolverine and bull trout as well as many other native species animals, fish and birds.  The project also preserves important freshwater systems throughout the South Selkirk Mountains. Public permitted access offers recreational opportunities for locals and visitors, as well as local First Nation use.

The project's carbon offsets are ex-post credits with 100-year permanence protection backstopped by the VCS buffer pool. The project follows the VCS standards for woodland preservation, is third party verified to ISO 14064-2 guidelines, follows the six principles of Carbon offset projects and is tracked on the VERRA third-party public carbon-reduction registry. The project has also been validated under the Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standard, and received a Gold Level certification for Exceptional Biodiversity Benefits. 

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